Answer:The Pectoralis major
I believe the answer is Extension. Considering flexion would decrease the angle. Hope this helps :)
d. contains secretions from three different accessory glands
The semen is not only made up of sperm. It also consists of secretions coming from three accessory glands: <u>seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral gland.</u>
The seminal vesicles secrete<em> proteins, citric acid, sugar, etc</em>. and this accounts for<u><em> 2/3 volume of the semen</em></u>. It has a white color that has a tinge of brown.
The prostate glad, on the other hand, secretes a fluid that accounts for <u><em>1/3 volume of the semen.</em></u> This contains the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) that thins the semen.
The bulbourethral gland is also known as<em> "Cowper's gland." </em>This produces a secretion that ensures the sperm's motility.
Job Loss , due the the incline of federal help. ( food stamps , SS money) don't quote me on that though
As an electric power grid
When Osmosis Jones misses his shot he hits the nervous system which is then represented as an electric power grid. This sets off very strong cramps in Frank. This is pretty interesting because the nervous system works like that. It sends electrical impulses down the cells and that is how information passes through the body.