Septic shocks.
Septic shocks may be defined as the medical condition that occurs during sepsis, the organs get damage against the infection response. The infection can be caused by bacteria.
The female after the total hip replacement shows restlessness, tachycardia, and a blood pressure of 100/64 mm Hg. She is experiencing the septic shocks after her hip replacement.
Thus, the correct answer is septic shocks.
She probably lived in a patriarchy household where the father is the boss or leader of the family.
I think its “o is resting”


Using the algebric identity

ABO blood typing of whole blood unit that will be transfused is following the Report code 86900. The samples are required to be in a container with a maintaining temparature of 1c - 10 c. ABO is just simply a blood group. It also invloves testing and identifying red blood cells.