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A ability to decompose
B reactivity
Chemical properties are those properties that tell us about what a substance can do as regards to whether or not the substance reacts with other substances.
Examples are flammability, rusting of iron, precipitation, decomposition of water by an electric current.
The ability to decompose and reactivity are chemical properties of a substance.
- Physical properties tells us everything about what a substance is when no change is occurring to its constituents.
- Examples are state of matter, color, odor, taste, texture, hardness e.t.c
the four main spheres of the earth are geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere
geosphere consists of all rocks on Earth
atmosphere which are the gases that surrounds the earth
hydrosphere which is all the water on the earth
biosphere which are the living things on the earth
Grass, deer, wolf, fungi.
The tropical level of an organism is defined as the position of organism occupied in the food chain. The food chain is starts from tropical level one which is primary producers (such as plants), then move to herbivores (such as deer) in level two, carnivores, (such as wolf) at level three, apex predators in level four (such as lions), and it ends in decomposers such as fungi.
Fungi play important role in ecosystem to help in breakdown of dead organic matter and return nutrients to the soil. Without fungi nutrients cannot cycle in an ecosystem, and causing the breakdown of entire food web.