Electrolytes are salts or molecules that ionize completely in solution. As a result, electrolyte solutions readily conduct electricity. Nonelectrolytes do not dissociate into ions in solution; nonelectrolyte solutions do not, therefore, conduct electricity
Icecaps that are dissolving, a system of canal-like geometric features, and various pitch black surface markings are all thought to be vegetation are the observations of the martian surface led Lowell to the conclusion that intelligent life forms existed on Mars.
<h3>What is a solar system?</h3>
It is a system that collection of all the planets and spatial bodies revolving around the sun because of the gravitational pull of the sun.
Our Solar System is based on a heliocentric model in which the Sun is assumed to reside at the central point of the planetary system.
In other words, the Sun is at the center while the Earth and other planetary bodies revolve around it.
Lowell came to the conclusion that intelligent life existed on Mars based on his observations of the martian surface, which included melting icecaps, a network of geometric patterns that resemble canals, and numerous markings on the completely black surface that are believed to be flora.
Learn more about Solar systems from here,
The correct answer is: They possess high concentrations of free electrons
The main characteristic of good conductors such as metals is the presence of movable electrically charged particles, or electrons. So, when an electric current is applied to a metal, the electrons will move and allow electricity to pass through them. Materials opposite of metals, with low electron mobility are not good conductors, instead they are called insulators.
Why did the narrator use the phrase “fit together like puzzle pieces” to describe how the cells of a developing human embryo form a human face
If you ring the doorbell and no one opens the door, you'll infer that no one is home rather than continuing to ring the doorbell to an empty house. Being able to understand this and look for another solution is another example of mental flexibility.