Each electron has a charge of

In this problem, the total charge is

Therefore, the number of electrons contained in this total charge will be given by the total charge divided by the charge of a single electron:

The centripetal force (of gravity) on a satellite in orbit is an
unbalanced force (because there's no equal force pulling
the satellite away from Earth), changes the direction of the
satellite (into a closed orbit instead of a straight line), and
always acts toward the center of whatever curve the satellite
happens to be on at the moment.
<span>Venus is hotter due to the greenhouse effect: Venus has an atmosphere about ninety times thicker than that of Earth, and made almost entirely of carbon dioxide, which is one of the gasses that causes the greenhouse effect on Earth.</span>
Lots of reasons. one reason i lie alot (a very bad habit) is im scared of what will happen if i tell the truth. the truth is always better, though.