I’m sorry what? i don’t understand
Malala Yousafzai was shot on her way to school and is lucky to be alive. The reason she was shot was because she was a woman going to school, she fled from her country from the taliban. Her fathers school was destroyed because it welcomed young girls.
Answer:It's through our votes that we create our future. If one vote without any responsibility it will put us into a dark future. One should vote wisely which will help the nation.
One should feel privileged to live in a democratic country. Enfranchisement is the only thing which makes India the largest democratic country in the world.
Enfranchisement refers to the right to vote through which people vote for the suitable candidate and get rid of ill events that hamper their own country. By using the right of vote people can change the government who is not administering the nation progressively and honestly.
In India's states people change the government when the elected government is not up to their expectations.
In some cases, people misuse their right to vote. One should use its right to vote wisely and promote democratic values. Not to vote is not an option, one should always go and vote.
One should utilize its right to vote for a right leader which rises above the narrow ideologies of color, caste, religion, and creed.
The answer is intuition. It is a way of having to
understanding an information, fact or something in a more fast phase without
having to provide any reasoning or
obtaining any experience, analysis or observation to be done in order to learn
or know it.