So lift will be 30.19632 N
We have given area of the wing 
We know that density of air 
Speed at top surface
and speed at bottom surface 
According to Bernoulli's principle force is given by
So I'm a junior. I am currently taking AP Calc BC and AP Physics B.
As of now, I'm not sure if I should take AP Probability and Statistics or Differential Equations/Calc III next year. Also, I'm debating between taking AP Physics C or AP Chemistry.
Which ones do you think would look better on a transcript? I heard that Diffeq/CalcIII is harder than AP ProbStat, but ProbStat is an AP course which will be weighted heavier. Also, should I take Physics C since i've taken Physics B this year already?
B) boiling point
The movement of the particles causes the shape of the liquid to change. The liquid will flow and fill to the lowest part of the container, in the shape of the container
But the volume does not change. The limited amount of space between the particles means that the liquid has only very limited compressibility.
is always negative
Air resistance is a non-conservative force it opposes the motion of an object.It is a force that is always directed opposite to the displacement.