694,563,239 rounded to the nearest thousand is 694,563.
It's because the first digit from the right is for ones, second for tens, third for hundreds and fourth for thousands and that's the one that we should take a closer look at. You can round it either to 3 or 4, depends on the digit of hundreds. In this case 3239 is clearly closer to 3000 than 4000, that's why we round it to 694,563, not 694,564.
Answer is: unsaturated.
Solubility of potassium chlorate on 70°C is approximately 30 grams in 100 grams of water.
Solubility of potassium chlorate on 70°C is approximately 10 grams in 100 grams of water.
So if dissolve 15 g of potassium chlorate in 201 g of water, there is less salt than it solubility and solution is unsaturated.
Answer: A comprehensive legal term for uniform standards ascribed to the quantity, capacity, volume, or dimensions of anything. Legislation that adopts and mandates the use of a uniform system of weights and measures is a valid exercise of Police Power, and such laws are constitutional.
Yes, the law of thermodynamics, or Law of Conservation of Energy