If you have diabetes, healthy eating can help you to:
• maintain general good health
• better manage your blood glucose levels
• achieve target blood lipid (fat) levels
• maintain a healthy blood pressure
• maintain a healthy body weight
• prevent or slow the development of diabetes complications.
A healthy diet can control blood sugar, plus lower cancer and heart disease risks. For diabetes, a healthy diet may just be the best medicine. In fact, a diabetes diet, which is really just an overall healthy diet with good portion control, can go beyond helping you achieve blood sugar control.
Peer pressure. This is especially true with younger people; however, our peers can influence us to such a degree because we want to fit in and we don’t want to disappoint our friends.
Socioeconomic status.
It's highly acidic and helps break down food for easier digestion. This helps your body absorb nutrients more easily as food moves through your digestive tract. In order to break down everything from meat to tough, fibrous plants, stomach acid has to be highly acidic.
b. Min-Jee is an adult.
Age-related hassles and stress coping is evident in adults as compared to children, adolescents and elderly. the ability of emotion-regulation is more pronounced in adults who are young or middle-aged. The individual difference in stress-coping and uplifting oneself is dependent upon the environment in which the adult is living. Min-Jee is an adult who is concerned about the environment in which she is living and taking therapy to built emotional control and deal with these hassles.
Cocaine abuse can have neurological effects such as abusively fighting someone and much more factors that are bad that can really hurt someone deeply.