Heat can be absorbed or produced
all of the above is the answer :)
a. They are both normally found as gases in the atmosphere. TRUE
That is correct, the oxygen and nitrogen are found in large quantities in the air around us.
b. They can be either liquids or gases. TRUE
Under certain temperatures any gas will transform into a liquid.
c.They turn from gas to liquid at the same temperature. FALSE
Oxygen it will pass into a liquid at -183 °C while nitrogen pass into a liquid at -195.8 °C.
d.They can be changed from gases to liquids by heating them. FALSE
The gases change to liquids by cooling them.
Answer: El carbono, que en estado sólido, puede adoptar muchas formas alotrópicas, siendo las más comunes el diamante (red tridimensional) y el grafito (láminas), aunque también puede formar nanoestructuras en forma de balón de fútbol (fullerenos) o tubos diminutos (nanotubos de carbono), entre otras posibilidades.
An electron in 4s is farther away from nucleus and it has higher energy when compared to electron from 1s.