a is the answer because all of the other answers are wrtong
The exponential is 3.007 times 10 to the -5
The oxidation state of Hydrogen in reactant side is 0 and that in product side is +1. Hence the reaction is oxidation.
ADP is like an uncharged battery. ATP is like a charged battery, ready to provide energy to do work in the cell. The charging of ADP into ATP takes place in the mitochondria. Fat and starch are stable (last a long time) whereas ATP goes dead too quick and will need to be recharged.
glucose is a carbon chain molecule (sugar). When the bonds in the chain are broken, energy is released. That energy is used to turn ADP into ATP. Glucose is the "electricity" used to charge the battery.
<span>Rule of the octet is used in chemistry to indicate the tendencies of the atoms when they complete the energy level to obtain stability. Covalent bonds are what occurs when two atoms join and reach the stable octet. They are related because through this union electrons are shared and the covalent bond is produced and the rule of the octet is given to show the tendency of this union.</span>