why you doin this
is this so we get free points?
Answer: a) 135642 b) 146253
1- the bankers algorithm tests for safety by simulating the allocation for predetermined maximum possible amounts of all resources, as stated this has the greatest degree of concurrency.
3- reserving all resources in advance helps would happen most likely if the algorithm has been used.
5- Resource ordering comes first before detection of any deadlock
6- Thread action would be rolled back much easily of Resource ordering precedes.
4- restart thread and release all resources if thread needs to wait, this should surely happen before killing the thread
2- only option practicable after thread has been killed.
Bii) ; No. Even if deadlock happens rapidly, the safest sequence have been decided already.
Temperature range → 0 to 80'c
respective voltage output → 0.2v to 0.5v
required temperature range 20'c to 40'c
Where T = 20'c respective voltage
Therefore, Sensor output changes from 0.275v to 0.35volts for the ADC the required i/p should cover the dynamic range of ADC (ie - 0v to 3v)
so we have to design a circuit which transfers input voltage 0.275volts - 0.35v to 0 - 3v
Therefore, the formula for the circuit will be
The simplest circuit will be a op-amp
NOTE: Refer the figure attached
Vs is sensor output
Vr is the reference volt, Vr = 0.275v
choose R2, R1 such that it will maintain required ratio
The output Vo can be connected to voltage buffer if you required better isolation.
Ano klassing tanong yn?
Ang taas namn yn? Paki linaw po para matulungan po kita.!!