Mechanical Advantage Formula
The efficiency of a machine is equal to the ratio of its output to its input. It is also equal to the ratio of the actual and theoretical MAs. But, it does not mean that low-efficiency machines are of limited use. An automobile jack, for example, have to overcome a great deal of friction and therefore it has low efficiency. But still, it is extremely valuable because small effort can be applied to lift a great weight.
Also, in another way the mechanical advantage is the force generated by a machine to the force applied to it which is applied in assessing the performance of the machine.
The mechanical advantage formula is:
MAmechanical advantageFBthe force of the object
FAthe effort to overcome the force
Heat transfer in the conduction occurs due to movement of molecule or we can say that due to movement of electrons in the two end of same the body. Generally, phenomenon of conduction happens in the case of solid . In conduction heat transfer takes places due to direct contact of two bodies.
In convection heat transfer of fluid takes place due to density difference .In simple words we can say that heat transfer occur due to motion of fluid.