Look at the picture.
(2S,3S)-2-Bromo-3-phenylbutane will undergo E2 reaction and form trans product of elimination due to its thermodynamic stability.
Both are similar concepts.
Sound is the vibration of air particles (compression and expansion) the can reach your ears. But you can have vibration being propagated in liquids and solids as well.
Some sounds are generated in structures, so the vibration of a structure is converted to sound in air — for instance, a loudspeaker.
A molecule is stable when there is no energetically-accessible mechanism available that allows it to reacts and form a more stable molecule or molecules whiles Are configuration of unknown atomic nuclei and electrons discovered by Reed Richard
Applying law of electrostatic which states that like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other
N and S are unlike charges that turn and make the former repulsive force (due to two like charges N and N)to <em>reduce</em> and attractive force between N and S to <em>increa</em><em>se</em>