Bees wax is biotic.
Biotic means something that is related to or resulted from living things. Bio means life. Bees wax are produced by honey bees. It comes from a living thing, thus, it is biotic.
Water, temperature, and snow are all abiotic. Abiotic means "no life" or nonliving. They are not derived from any living thing.
Using the receptors on their surface and through the facilitation by immunoglobulins that attach to the foreign matter, macrophages 'hold' the foreign bodies in the body and 'ingest' them through phagocytosis. Lysozymes in the cells then in 'digest' the foreign matter.
Volcanic eruption.
Primary succession is most likely caused by volcanic eruption.
it occurs in lifeless areas; such as regions in which the soil is incapable of sustaining life as a result of factors like lava flows, newly formed sand dunes, or rocks left from a retreating glacier.
The other type of succession is called secondary succession which occurs as a response to disturbance; such as forest fire, tsunami, flood, among others.
Firstly, let us break down the components:
A cilia is a hair-like structure positioned on a tissue for locomotive purposes
Epithelium is a type of tissue
Therefore, a ciliated epithelium is a kind of tissue that contains hair-like structures called cilia for locomotion. They can be found in our respiratory tracts lining, the fallopian tube of human females, brain etc. where they mainly perform the function of moving particles.
They help move foreign particles like dust from our respiratory tracts, they help move the egg from the ovary to the uterus of women, they also move cerebral spinal fluid in the brain.
Ciliated epithelium contains goblet cells, that secretes mucous to provide the moist medium for locomotion