Particles in a gas are far apart compared to a solid or liquid, allowing it not to have a definitive shape or volume. This also means that gases can fill any container and be easily compressed.
If you type in the letters (uppercase and lowercase matters) into google it will give you the answers
Yes. Exhale into a jar.
That's a hella ratchet way to capture CO2, but it works nonetheless
A gas with a vapor density greater than that of air, would be most effectively displaced out off a vessel by ventilation.
The two following principles determine the type of ventilation: Considering the impact of the contaminant's vapour density and either positive or negative pressure is applied.
Consider a vertical tank that is filled with methane gas. Methane would leak out if we opened the top hatch since its vapour density is far lower than that of air. A second opening could be built at the bottom to greatly increase the process' efficiency.
A faster atmospheric turnover would follow from air being pulled in via the bottom while the methane was vented out the top. The rate of natural ventilation will increase with the difference in vapour density. Numerous gases that require ventilation are either present in fairly low concentrations or have vapor densities close to one.