They would be asked to show ID’s
if there false police would be contacted
if no ID’s are provided they are to be escorted off the property
hope this helps
Answer: Strict Scrutiny
Strict Scrutiny can be defined as the highest form of judicial review,
which court uses to determine whether some certain laws are within the constitution. Strict scrutiny is widely and mostly used by the competent court of law when the government is sued by the accuser. The law also establishes a ban on some contents, which includes writing of threats to the President of the United States.
When an Officer is called to an incidence such as this, They have to take all precautions when guns or weapons are involved. In this case they could not get close enough because of precautions. When he did not put up his hands they were shown an act of defiance. At age 12 a boy knows how to follow commands especially from a cop. When he did not listen assuming he moved around not putting up his hands the cop(s) shot at the boy.