Bioarchaeology is a discipline that studies human skeletal remains in an archaeological investigation; while forensic anthropology refers to the study of human skeletal remains in a criminal case
Bioarchaeology is a discipline centered on the study of skeletal remains in order to obtain useful information about past societies/civilizations such as, for example, health conditions. On the other hand, forensic anthropology investigates human skeletal remains within a legal and/or criminal investigation. This information may result useful to identify a dead person, find the cause of death, and estimate time since death.
-Both disciplines have a strong biology background (especially in zoology)
-Both disciplines are focused on skeletal analysis
-Bioarchaeology is associated with the anthropological study of human societies, while forensic anthropology associated with legal investigations
Food - increase in height
Predators - fast reproduction, fast in general
Heat/lack of water - Cam photosynthesis, storage of water
Predator/prey arms war - sensors along side to detect prey, sense of smell, etc
Pressure is simply the force experienced by an object divided by the area of the surface on which the force acts. Note that the force here is the force acting perpendicular to the surface. The unit for pressure is the pascal, Pa.
There can be a lot of factors that express sexuality. The origin would be its genes. The genetic make-up of the person what trait has passed on to an individual from his parents. Another factor is the environment. A person's sexuality can be influenced by social groups, home environment and from the media that he/she looks at.