The controversy behind this craters is that thanks to the angle of the object's impact they could be habitable. Also, they could study them more.
The reason behind this answer is that majority of craters have an angle of impact of aorund45º. While the craters in the province of Cordoba, Argentina have an angle of impact of 15º. MAking them really plain, so they could be habitable for several species. Also, the materials found in the place suggest nothing more than quartz, so they represent no danger to the inhabitants, humans, or not. But more importantly that they have only received one major research study. Instead of a big variety, and they could be studied with more detail.
ork out which of the displacement (S), initial velocity (U), acceleration (A) and time (T) you have to solve for final velocity (V).
If you have U, A and T, use V = U + AT.
If you have S, U and T, use V = 2(S/T) - U.
If you have S, U and A, use V = SQRT(U2 + 2AS)
The energy of the sum causes the rubber raft to burst when left in the sun