El principal componente del gas natural es también el hidrocarburo más simple: el metano. Este compuesto está formado por un átomo de carbono y cuatro átomos de hidrógeno y se representa de dos formas:
El hidrocarburo que le sigue en simplicidad es aquel que está constituido por dos átomos de carbono. Su fórmula condensada es C2H6 y se le conoce como etano.
Si se continúan colocando átomos de carbono con enlaces sencillos entre ellos e hidrógenos en los enlaces libres, se crean largas cadenas de compuestos. Al etano le sigue el propano (C2H8) y a éste, el butano (C4H10). Todos estos compuestos forman parte de la familia de los alcanos, y sus nombres terminan con el sufijo –ano para indicar que pertenecen a la misma familia.
Hybridisation influences the bond length and bond enthalpy strength in organic compounds. The sp hybrid orbital contains more s character and hence it is closer to its nucleus and forms shorter and stronger bonds than the sp3 hybrid orbital.
If the person had clogged arteries and high blood pressure, then went on a healthy diet, the person would start losing weight. They would have a more stable blood pressure (since they are eating healthy foods, with less saturated fat) and the clogged arteries would look significantly better. He/she might lose her/his risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. Most of her/his health issues would start to balance out if they started eating a diet low in saturated fat.
I hope this helps!
Atoms because electrons, neutrons and protons are in a atom
4 sig figs
<h3>Rule when dividing or multiplying:</h3>
After normally solving the expression cut round the decimal to the least accurate of the two.
54.50/50.407 = 1.08119904
Since 54.50 is the least accurate we will round to the hundredths place.
1.081 is final answer
so there are 4 sig figs.