The Hardening and narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of cholesterol plaques is known as [ atherosclerosis ]
Answer: Powerful lobbyists can have a say in legislation using money influence.
Explanation: Powerful lobbyists can have a say in legislation because they have the money to alter legislative process by convincing the general public, which in turn benefits their own companies rather than having United States populace interest.
Karen Ignagni is one of the most powerful lobbyists in the United States over time, when putting healthcare into consideration. She is involved in health care reform in the United States, which benefit health insurance companies largely.
Powerful lobbyists hurt the legislative process because the special interests and those groups (lobbyists) getting what they want is their ultimate goal.
Una ración contiene: Calorías 410 21% Grasa 18g 25% Grasa saturada 3g 17%
Semáforo Nutricional.
Nutrientes Cantidad Diaria Orientativa
Azúcares 90 g
Sal 6 g
MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL health is defined as ones avility to get along and communicate with other people.
you answer is: mental and emotional