The structure of compound A would be solid that is dense enough for antimicrobial form
The cooler water is denser
Convection drives the boiling of water placed on a stove in a kettle.
During convection, heat is circulated by density differences in portions of a fluid.
Convection is a form of heat transfer in fluids especially gas and liquid.
- In boiling water, the heat is supplied to the base of the stove.
- The water at the bottom on heat becomes lighter as the molecules gain more kinetic energy.
- The colder part of the water on top sinks to replace the less dense on below.
- This exchange sets up convection cells in the kettle.
Do you have a picture of this?
You're going to divide the mass of chlorine within the compound by the mass of the compound, and then multiply the result by 100 to get the answer
lighting a match is the answer.