Answer: 1 C6H12O6===> 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2
75 In the space in your answer booklet, draw a structural formula for the alcohol formed in this reaction. [1]
Step 1 - Discovering the ionic formula of Chromium (III) Carbonate
Chromium (III) Carbonate is formed by the ionic bonding between Chromium (III) (Cr(3+)) and Carbonate (CO3(2-)):

Step 2 - Finding the molar mass of the substance
To find the molar mass, we need to multiply the molar mass of each element by the number of times it appears in the formula of the substance and, finally, sum it all up.
The molar masses are 12 g/mol for C; 16 g/mol for O and 52 g/mol for Cr. We have thus:

The molar mass will be thus:

Step 3 - Finding the percent composition of carbon
As we saw in the previous step, the molar mass of Cr2(CO3)3 is 284 g/mol. From this molar mass, 36 g/mol come from C. We can set the following proportion:

The percent composition of Carbon is thus 12.7 %.
Lower than 7 is acid greater than 7 is a base
Oxygen in hydrogen peroxide oxidizes from -1 to 0.
Oxidation is the loss of electrons. The specie which is oxidized has has elevation in its oxidation state as compared in the reactant and the products.
The given reaction is shown below as:

Manganese in
has oxidation state of +7
Manganese in
has an oxidation state of +2
It reduces from +7 to +2
Oxygen in hydrogen peroxide has an oxidation state of -1.
Oxygen in molecular oxygen has an oxidation of 0.
Thus, oxygen in hydrogen peroxide oxidizes from -1 to 0.
Steven Ginsberg named managing editor of The Washington Post, rounding out senior management team