So, your science teacher has given your class the classic "mousetrap car" assignment: to make, design, and build a small vehicle powered by the snapping action of a mousetrap to make your car travel as far as possible. If you want to come out ahead of all the other students in your class, you'll need to make your car as efficient as possible so you can squeeze every last inch out of your "car". With the right approach, it's possible to streamline your car's design for maximum distance using only common home materials. You could also buy a mousetrap car kit from any craft store and skip wondering if it will work.
Use large rear wheels. Large wheels have greater rotational inertia than small wheels. In practice, this means that once they start rolling, they're harder to stop rolling. This makes large wheels perfect for distance-based contests — theoretically, they'll accelerate less quickly than smaller wheels, but they'll roll much longer and they'll travel a greater distance overall. So, for maximum distance, make the wheels on the drive axle (the one the mousetrap is tied to, which is usually the rear one) very large. The front wheel is a little less important — it can be large or small. For a classic drag racer look, you'll want big wheels in the back and smaller ones in front.
Use thin, light wheels. Thinner wheels have less friction and may go farther if the distance is what you want or need with your mousetrap racer. It's also important to take the weight of the wheels themselves into account — any unneeded weight will ultimately slow your car down or lead to added friction. In addition, it's worth noting that wide wheels can even have a small negative effect on the car's drag due to air resistance. For these reasons, you'll want to use the thinnest, lightest wheels available for your car.
Old CDs or DVDs work fairly well for this purpose — they're large, thin, and extremely light. In this case, a plumbing washer may be used to reduce the hole size in the middle of the CD (to fit the axle better).
If you have access to old vinyl, these also work extremely well, though they may be too heavy for the smallest mousetraps.
Use a narrow rear axle. Assuming your car is a rear-wheel-drive car, each time your rear axle turns, the rear wheels turn. If your rear axle is extremely skinny, your mousetrap car will be able to turn it more times for the same length of string than it would if it were wider. This translates to turning your rear wheels more times, meaning greater distance! For this reason, it's a wise idea to make your axle out of the skinniest material available that can still support the weight of the frame and wheels.
Narrow wooden dowel rods are a great, easily-accessible choice here. If you have access to thin metal rods, these are even better — when lubricated, they usually have less friction.
Create traction by giving the edges of the friction of the wheels. If the wheels slip against the ground when the trap is sprung, energy is wasted — the mousetrap works to make the wheels turn, but you don't get any extra distance. If this happens with your car, adding a friction-inducing material to the rear wheels may reduce their slippage. To keep your weight requirements down, use only as much as is necessary to give the tips of the wheels some grip and no extra. Some suitable materials are:[1]
Electrical tape
Rubber bands
Additionally, placing a piece of sandpaper under the rear wheels at the start line can reduce slippage as the car begins to move (when it is most likely)