1 Hour...
If It’s 960 Km/h, then it will take 1 hour to fly there.
By using renewable energy sources.
You need to satisfy a quota of energy for (whatever country you live in). People do this by using the cheapest way of producing the most energy, the most efficient. Sounds great right? Wrong! It stuffs our atmosphere with harmful gasses like carbon dioxide. You can reduce the use of these fossil fuels by using renewable energy sources such as windmills, watermills, and most notable, solar panels!
Answer is letter B
The first one is wrong because acids release H+, not bases.
The third one is wrong because the pH is exactly 7, not greater.
The last one is wrong because it is vague and does not fit a neutralization reaction.
Specific gravity is the density of asubstance divided by the density of water. Since (at standard temperature and pressure) water has a density of 1 gram/cm3, and since all of the units cancel, specific gravity is usually very close to the same value as density(but without any units).