Mature egg cell (female gamete). Ova develop from immature egg cells called oocytes. a male or female sexual reproductive cell; sperm cell or ovum.
1. Always tired
2. Always aggressive
3. Never reasonable
4. Constantly denying that he/she is an alcoholic
5. Beer bottles everywhere
“A minor may be charged with possession for having alcoholic beverage in his or her vehicle, even if the containers are unopened and the minor has not consumed any alcoholic beverage. ... If they see any illegal activity, such as minors possessing or consuming alcohol, the officers may detain and/or arrest those involved”
The detainment of alleged terrorists. People are divided as
to what to do with these suspects. Some
believe they should try in civilian courts but others believe that they should lock
up and detained indefinitely. Since they
are terrorists, some believe that the courts don’t apply to them. Others argue
that would violate human rights. The
debate continues.
A. Otc drugs are usually weaker than prescription drugs