Get a job.
You will have a more secure income if you get a job.
B) hippocampus
Hippocampus is this part of the brain structure which is embedded deep in the temporal lobe of each cerebral cortex. It is an important part of the limbic system, a cortical region which regulates motivation, emotion, learning, and memory
D. Plagiarism is using other people’s writing or ideas without giving them credit for it.
A. Quotation marks around a section of text indicates the words originated with someone else.
--- True
B. You should provide the source of factual information.
--- True
C. Cite your source in the paragraph where you use the information.
D. Plagiarism is using other people’s writing or ideas without giving them credit for it.
---False because Plagiarism is the term given when you uses some one else's ideas or information. It does not matter whether you give credit or not to the original source, it is considered plagiarism if we use other's content.
E. If you are not quoting word for word, you do not need to cite the source.