Treating others with dignity and respect helps keep everyone safe. For example, if someone starts a conversation with you and you don't really like them, instead of walking away or saying something rude, don't say anything, just keep the conversation going and then eventually end it. If you were to say something rude then who knows when they will come back for revenge. Especially if you don't know them that well, you have no idea what they are capable of, so if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Increased strength
We can rule out option A because physical activity shouldn’t cause decreased sleep unless your sleeping pattern is wack. Option B is also wrong because Physical activty won’t help with nutritional balance, nutrition is based on what you eat. Option D is wrong because when you are physically active you are burning calories and fat, this leads to weight lost not weight gain.
Products - consider its safety, cost, warranty, and consumer testing
Services - find out whether the person who will perform the service is qualified
Information - evaluate the source of the information