The Greenhouse Effect Revisited. When solar energy strikes the planet during the day, the ground, highways and other objects get hot and absorb that energy. As the sun goes down, the Earth cools by giving off infrared radiation. Because greenhouse gases absorb part of this radiation, the atmosphere warms and keeps the Earth from getting too cold.
To calculate force, use the formula force equals mass times acceleration, or F = m × a. Make sure that the mass measurement you're using is in kilograms and the acceleration is in meters over seconds squared. When you've solved the equation, the force will be measured in Newtons.
In a longitudinal wave the particle displacement is parallel to the direction of wave propagation. ... The particles do not move down the tube with the wave; they simply oscillate back and forth about their individual equilibrium positions.Answer:
The energy carried by one photon is directly proportional to its
frequency. So the photon energy is greatest for the electromagnetic
waves with the highest frequency / shortest wavelengths.
That's why when you get past visible light and on up through ultraviolet,
X-rays, and gamma rays, the radiation becomes dangerous ==> each
photon carries enough energy to tear electrons away from their atoms,
ripping molecules apart and damaging cells.
The photon with the highest energy is a gamma-ray photon.
m=1000kg, V=20m/s
then, E=(1000kg*(20m/s)^2)/2
E=(1000*400)/2 J = 200000J