Final temperature: 659.8ºC
Expansion work: 3*75=225 kJ
Internal energy change: 275 kJ
First, considering both initial and final states, write the energy balance:
Q is the only variable known. To determine the work, it is possible to consider the reversible process; the work done on a expansion reversible process may be calculated as:
The pressure is constant, so:
(There is a multiplication by 100 due to the conversion of bar to kPa)
So, the internal energy change may be calculated from the energy balance (don't forget to multiply by the mass):
On the other hand, due to the low pressure the ideal gas law may be appropriate. The ideal gas law is written for both states:
Subtracting the first from the second:


Assuming that it is water steam, n=0.1666 kmol

I am going to be honest i’m good at chemistry but i need the point cause i need help on my history work
A scientific theory is a well tested explanation of a natural phenomenon.
Solid: calcium and potassium
Liquid: mercury and bromine
Gaseous: oxygen and fluorine
Matter exists in three different states namely: solid, gaseous and liquid. Elements that are found in nature are classified as matter. Since, these elements are grouped as matter, they can either be found as either solids, liquids or gases at normal temperature and pressure.
At normal temperature (20°C or 293K) and pressure (1 atm), the following elements are found to exists in the respective state of matter:
Solid: Calcium (Ca) and potassium (K)
Liquid: Mercury (Hg) and bromine (Br)
Gaseous: Oxygen (O) and fluorine (F)
All the elements in one group have the same number of valence electrons. ... Since elements in a group have the same number of valence electrons, they behave similarly in chemistry. An example would be the alkali metals (excepting hydrogen. Hydrogen is in this group only because it has one valence electron.