Explain simply pleaseeeeeee
You first get a new job, and make a new company and then by amazon to traumatize Jeff Bezos after his divorce
Answer and Explanation:
The coefficient of determination also called "goodness of fit" or R-squared(R²) is used in statistical measurements to understand the relationship between two variables such that changes in one variable affects the other. The level of relationship or the degree to which one affects the other is measured by 0 to 1 whereby 0 means no relationship at all and 1 means one totally affects the other while figures in between such 0.40 would mean one variable affects 40% of the other variable.
In making a decision as an engineer while using the coefficient of determination, one would try to understand the relationship between variables under consideration and make decisions based on figures obtained from calculating coefficient of determination. In other words when there is a 0 coefficient then there is no relationship between variables and an engineer would make his decisions with this in mind and vice versa.
For isothermal process n =1

![V_o = \frac{5}{[\frac{72}{80}]^{1/1} -[\frac{72}{180}]^{1/1}}](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=V_o%20%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B5%7D%7B%5B%5Cfrac%7B72%7D%7B80%7D%5D%5E%7B1%2F1%7D%20-%5B%5Cfrac%7B72%7D%7B180%7D%5D%5E%7B1%2F1%7D%7D)

calculate pressure ratio to determine correction factor

correction factor for calculate dpressure ration for isothermal process is
c1 = 1.03

b) for adiabatic process
n =1.4
volume of hydraulic accumulator is given as
![V_o =\frac{\Delta V}{[\frac{p_o}{p_1}]^{1/n} -[\frac{p_o}{p_2}]^{1/n}}](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=V_o%20%3D%5Cfrac%7B%5CDelta%20V%7D%7B%5B%5Cfrac%7Bp_o%7D%7Bp_1%7D%5D%5E%7B1%2Fn%7D%20-%5B%5Cfrac%7Bp_o%7D%7Bp_2%7D%5D%5E%7B1%2Fn%7D%7D)
![V_o = \frac{5}{[\frac{72}{80}]^{1/1.4} -[\frac{72}{180}]^{1/1.4}}](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=V_o%20%20%3D%20%5Cfrac%7B5%7D%7B%5B%5Cfrac%7B72%7D%7B80%7D%5D%5E%7B1%2F1.4%7D%20-%5B%5Cfrac%7B72%7D%7B180%7D%5D%5E%7B1%2F1.4%7D%7D)

calculate pressure ratio to determine correction factor

correction factor for calculate dpressure ration for isothermal process is
c1 = 1.15