By then, production had already declined and unemployment had risen, leaving stocks in great excess of their real value. Among the other causes of the stock market crash of 1929 were low wages, the proliferation of debt, a struggling agricultural sector and an excess of large bank loans that could not be liquidated
Answer: Apostle Paul
Explanation: The apostle Paul, who, before becoming a Christian, was called Saul, and was a fierce persecutor of Christians. The very fact that he persecuted Christians indicates that Paul was not one of Christ's closest disciples, but immediately after the dissemination of Christ's teaching began, Paul, then still Saul, experienced enlightenment. It happened on the road to Damascus, in another of his persecutions of Christians when, according to the Bible, Christ Himself appeared to Paul, after which Paul was blinded for a short time, then experienced enlightenment and converted to a Christian. So Paul's conversion can be thought of as early in Christianity. Paul was one of the most ardent Christians in the world, known for his epistles and conversion of Gentiles.
Answer: The empire was split into the western and eastern sections in 395 AD. The empire weakened beginning in 395 AD and fell in 476 AD.
- The Roman Empire was divided into east and west in 376 AD. The Roman emperor Theodosius was the first to share the empire by his sons, Honorius received the western part and Arcadius the eastern part of the empire. The Roman Empire, at that moment, had a vast surface area. In the opinion of many historians, the effort to divide the empire was the result of the desire to control and hold such a massive space more comfortable to manage.
- However, after the division of the empire into east and west, there was a weakening. The new young rulers did not prove successful, leading to a weakening. The continuity of the empire's decline will continue throughout the fifth century. Poor politics, hiring troops, the economic change will eventually lead to the fall of the 476th empire. The last Roman emperor Romulus Augustus was removed from power by the barbarian warlord Odoakarus and declared himself emperor.
For number 1 you can put customer satisfaction and it would help because satisfying your customers need will help your business grow more and have more frequent and loyal customers
Not an answer but I need helpppp