0.78 m
The relationship between wavelength and frequency of a wave is given by

v is the speed of the wave
f is the frequency
is the wavelength
For the sound wave in this problem, we have
is the frequency
v = 344 m/s is the speed of sound in air
Substituting into the equation and re-arranging it, we find the wavelength:

Power = work/time = (Force times distance)/time
= (30N *10.0m)/5.00s = 300/5 = 60 Watts
At the entrance of most beaches, there is a bulletin board with notices about water conditions: maybe a faded sign warning about rip currents and a list of this week's tide tables. Most people pass them by without a second thought, but if you want to enter the ocean, it is important to know its movements, whether to avoid being caught in a riptide or to figure out when the waves will be at their best.
Hope this helps
So n=c/v, n= index, c=speed of light and v= speed of light in diamond. 2.42=c/v so v=c/2.42, c≈<span>3x108 m/sec</span><span> so v=</span><span>1.24x108 m/sec</span>.
<span>Hope this helps.</span>