Distance between them increase
The position S of the water droplet can be determined using equation of motion
where is the initial velocity which is zero here
is time taken, is acceleration due to gravity
the position of first drop after time is given by
the position of next drop at same time is
distance between them is is
from the above the difference will increase with the time
Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity. This includes changes to the object's speed, or direction of motion. An aspect of this property is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed, when no forces act upon them.
Some sort of a local field, maybe not our A field, is really the cause of inertia. When you push on an object a gravitational disturbance goes propagating off into either the past or the future. Out there in the past or future the disturbance makes the distant matter in the universe wiggle.
The average speed is 52km