3.28 cm
To solve this problem, you need to know that a magnetic field B perpendicular to the movement of a proton that moves at a velocity v will cause a Force F experimented by the particle that is orthogonal to both the velocity and the magnetic Field. When a particle experiments a Force orthogonal to its velocity, the path it will follow will be circular. The radius of said circle can be calculated using the expression:
r = 
Where m is the mass of the particle, v is its velocity, q is its charge and B is the magnitude of the magnetic field.
The mass and charge of a proton are:
m = 1.67 * 10^-27 kg
q = 1.6 * 10^-19 C
So, we get that the radius r will be:
r =
= 0.0328 m, or 3.28 cm.
58 K/h = 58000/3600= 16.1 m/s
In 38 s displacement is 38x16.1= 612.2 m
Base units are defined units based on specific objects or events in the physical world. Derived units are defined by combining base units.
Base units are defined by a particular process of measuring a base quantity whereas derived units are defined as algebraic combinations of base units. For example, length is a base quantity in both SI and the English system, but the meter is a base unit in the SI system only.
Both matter and light have been demonstrated to exhibit wave-like and particle-like behavior.
Light as a wave: light can diffract & refract
Light as a particle: photoelectric effect, Compton scattering
Matter as a wave: Davisson-Germer experiment
Matter as a particle: find a picture of any kinematics problem in a high school physics textbook
Choice D
The answer is Hertz (Hz) named in honor of the German scientist Heinrich Hertz, who first conclusively proved the existence of electromagnetic waves.