A = 2,8333 s
El periodo es definido como el tiene que toma de dar una oscilación.
En este caso realiza varias osicilacion por lo cual debemos encontrar el promedio del perdono.
T = t/n
A = 34,0/ 12,0
A = 2,8333 s
Use the concept of beat frequency to find the applicable final freqeuncy for 20Hz beat frequency.
Beat can be defined as 'the interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different frequencies0
The expression for beat frequency is given as

Final frequency
Initial frequency
The beat frequency for us is 25Hz and the initial frequency is 240Hz, then

Being an absolute value, two values are possible, both in addition and subtraction:

The two possible values are

<em>In the case of a solar thermal panel we are trying to heat above the ambient temperature so conduction and convection will work against us by taking heat from the panel to the out- side world. ... The sun (at 6000 C surface temperature) is hotter than the solar panel so the panel will get hot due to the solar radiation.</em>
1 ohm
since there are two identical resistors, one resistor will be
R =
=2ohm [ proven as in series
to calculate the equivalent resistance when in parallel:


The one that research has determined about the orbit of an electron around nucleus is : Each sub-level electron type has a unique path where it will likely to be found
Here are the sub levels of an electron :
-sub level s, maximum number of 2 electrons
- sub level p, maximum number of 6 electrons
- sub level d, maximum number of 10 electrons
- sub level f, maximum number of 14 electrons