<span>Creativity helps a scientist by allowing him or her to
write more interesting lab reports, draw better diagrams for reports, look at old problems in new ways and pick interesting observations to include as data.</span>
The Golgi complex is compromised
The Golgi complex helps in the process of synthesis and packaging of proteins and lipids, especially those proteins that are for exportation. The organelle´s function is to manage the recently synthesized proteins, to transform them, and to export them to other places.
Different proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum and sent to the Golgi complex in vesicles, where it happens the final association of carbohydrates with proteins. Finally, protein is transported from the Golgi complex to its final destiny. Proteins destined to a certain place are packaged all together in the same vesicle and sent to the target organ. In the case of membrane proteins, they are packaged in vesicles and sent to the cell membrane where they get incrusted.
By being affected by the achondrogenesis 1a, the Golgi complex loses its functions and is incapable of finishing the protein synthesis and transport process, affecting other cells and their functions.
Professionals that study and make predictions about human population are called demographers.