Barium has a 2+ charge as it is in group 2 in the periodic table and so it has two electrons in its outer shell and chloride has a -1 charge on its chloride ion. So we will need two of the chloride ions as we have a 2+ charge to match the amount of charge on one barium ion- forming barium ion
The question isn't worded properly, but if 1 or 2 are DECREASED, the frequency of collisions of specified molecules will decrease.
Catalysts only facilitate reaction once molecules collide. Increased temperature makes molecules move more, and thus collide more. For concentration, if there are more molecules in the same amount of room/liquid, there will be more collisions because there are more of the molecules to collide.
Heat energy is needed for evaporation to happen.
A molecule is a group of two or more atoms that are held together by chemical bonds.
Electron - In an atom, the central part which is composed of neutrons and protons including quarks is called the nucleus. Whereas the electron is the particle with negative elementary electric charge can be found inside the atom surrounding the nucleus.