Here's the conversion factor you need:
1 Kilometer = 39370 inches
So, for your question we want to go 405,696 km....
405696 km x 39370 inches/ 1 km = 15972283464 inches
15972283464 inches x 2.54 x10^8 atoms/1 inch = 4.05 x 10^18 atoms
Parenchyma is the most simple and specialized tissue which is concerned mainly with the vegetative activities of the plant. The cells are isodiametric with well-developed intercellular spaces, vacuolated cytoplasm and cellulosic cell wall.
Collenchyma is the tissue of the primary body. The cells of the tissue contain protoplasm and are living without intercellular spaces. The cell wall articulate at the corners and are made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin.
Sclerenchyma is the thick-walled cell tissue. In the beginning, the cell is living and have protoplasm, but due to deposition of impermeable secondary board lignin, they become dead thick and hard.
they both have 4 sig figs:)
I believe it is called Condensation
Condensation is when the water vapor (gas) in the air turns into a liquid. (Like the fog on a mirror after you take a hot shower)