I think it A not sure if I get it wrong sorry I need points.
Any ionic compound will have a net charge of zero.
You can boil or evaporate the water and the salt will be left behind as a solid. If you want to collect the water, you can use distillation. This works because salt has a much higher boiling point than water. One way to separate salt and water at home is to boil the salt water in a pot with a lid. So, I would say maybe oil.
0.347 mols, working out shown on photo
Answer is: B.) Yes, if work is done, this transfer process can take place.
For example, air conditioner involves a cyclic process that transfers heat from a cold reservoir to a hot reservoir, but with use of electricity.
Thermal conductuction is the transfer of heat through physical contact. Thermal conduction is the transfer of heat by microscopic collisions of particles. Heat spontaneously flows from a hotter to a colder body.
The process of heat conduction depends on four basic factors: the temperature gradient, the cross section of the materials involved, their path length and the properties of those materials.