I’m going to use molasses as an example of a substance.
The mass and volume both change when changing the amount of molasses.
However, the density does not change. This is because the mass and volume increase at the same rate/proportion!
Even though there is more molasses (mass) in test tube A, the molasses also takes up more space (volume). Therefore, the spacing between those tiny particles that make up the molasses is constant (does not change).
The size or amount of a material/substance does not affect its density.
A worker picks up the bag of gravel. We need to find the speed of the bucket after it has descended 2.30 m from rest. It is case of conservation of energy. So,

h = 2.3 m

So, the speed of the bucket after it has descended 2.30 m from rest is 6.71 m/s.
English: Cardiovascular efficiency depends on a number of factors. One measure is called stroke volume, which is the volume of blood pumped per heartbeat. A fit individual has a larger stroke volume, which means a greater volume of oxygen is delivered to the body per heartbeat.
Spanish: La eficacia cardiovascular depende de una serie de factores. Una medida se denomina volumen sistólico, que es el volumen de sangre bombeada por latidos cardíacos. Un individuo en forma tiene un volumen de movimiento mayor, lo que significa que un mayor volumen de oxígeno es entregado al cuerpo por latidos cardíacos.
Option A is correct.
(The faster object encounters more resistance)
Option A is correct. (The faster object encounters more resistance)
Air resistance depends on various factors:
- Speed of the object
- Cross-sectional area of the object
- Shape of the object

As the speed of the object increases the amount of Air resistance/drag increases on the object, as the above formula shows direct relation between Air resistance/drag and velocity i.e F ∝ v^2.
Use Factor-Label Method:
8miles 63360 inches
---------- X --------------------- X
1 1 mile
2.54cm 1 meter
X ------------ X ---------------- X
1 inch 100 cm
1 km
----------------- = 12.87 km
8 miles = 12.87 km