He can throw the hammer in the direction opposite to the direction he wants to travel in. The hammer will exert an equal and opposite force on him, as per Newton's third law, and this will help him move towards the space station.
If you push horizontally with a small force, static friction establishes an equal and opposite force that keeps the book at rest. As you push harder, the static friction force increases to match the force. Eventually maximum static friction force is exceeded and the book moves.


Let us take the north direction to be the positive y-axis and the east to be positive x-axis.
First day:
25.0 km southeast, which implies
south of east. The y-component will be negative and the x-component will be positive.

Second day:
She starts off at the stopping point of last day. This time, both the y- and x-components are positive.

Therefore, total displacements:

Magnitude of displacements,


That's the cool thing about free fall. The amount of time it takes to fall remains the same.
In this case, a ball that is simply dropped from rest will fall at the same rate as a ball that had some umph in the horizontal direction.