I struggle with the same thing as you! My therapist told me to put sticky notes on my mirror with POSITIVE self affirmations! Reading them everyday works! Also keep a daily journal. Being able to let out all your brain clutter helps with the burden of not feeling good about yourself.
youre amazing!
1. stimulants - such examples would be cocaine, caffeine and methamphetamine
2. depressants - such examples would be alcohol and marijuana
3. analgesics - such examples would be opiates, aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol
4. antibiotics - such examples would be amoxicillin, erythromycin
5. tranquilizers - also known as barbiturates, such examples would be valium, xanax
6. hallucinogens - such examples would be LSD, psilocybin mushrooms
Where is the choices????????????????