I think the fatty acids that may be used to make a fat that is liquid at room temperature are One plamitic acid, one stearic acid, and one oleic acid.
Fatty acids are composed of linked chains of carbon atoms with an organic acid group at the end of the chain. Liquid fats or Oils are mainly obtained from plants or fish sources, and have high percentages of unsaturated fatty acids.
First consider and take note of the following:
1. When 2 or more finite amounts of substances are mix together (with different temperature) the final temperature is never equivalent to the initial temperature of any of the substances involved.
2. The substances meet at an equilibrium temperature.
3. Heat transfers from a higher temperature to a lower temperature.
Only choice (3) satisfies the conditions.
Biochemists study chemical processes and chemical transformations in living organisms. Biochemists study DNA, proteins and cell parts. The word "biochemist" is a portmanteau of "biological chemist."
3.5 M has 3.5 moles per litre
so we have one litre, so we need 3.5 moles
moles = mass/molarmass
3.5 * 23 = 80.5