Final result :
6x3 - x2 + 2x + 8
Reformatting the input :
Changes made to your input should not affect the solution:
(1): "x2" was replaced by "x^2". 2 more similar replacement(s).
Step by step solution :
Step 1 :
Equation at the end of step 1 :
Step 2 :
Equation at the end of step 2 :
((22x3 + 2x) + 6) + (2x3 - x2 + 2)
Step 3 :
Checking for a perfect cube :
3.1 6x3-x2+2x+8 is not a perfect cube
Trying to factor by pulling out :
3.2 Factoring: 6x3-x2+2x+8
Thoughtfully split the expression at hand into groups, each group having two terms :
Group 1: 2x+8
Group 2: 6x3-x2
Pull out from each group separately :
Group 1: (x+4) • (2)
Group 2: (6x-1) • (x2)
A simple random sample.
Step-by-step explanation:
A simple random sample is an statistical sample in which each member of a group has the same probability of being chosen. Since the researcher doesn't really have specific characteristics added to the sample other than being from public or private universities, this would be a simple random sample.
That's impossible to say. The radius of a square is meaningless.

Use the Pythagoras Theorem to obtain,

This implies that,

Take the positive square root of both sides to get,

(3) 62.5% cuz u take the total number of the students and u divide it by the number of students between 60 to 65