What's the purpose of tracks going in the red? Having tracks go into the red is surely redundant, I don't see any purpose in having tracks distort ... It just seems like a hang on from the old days of tape, it's something that people who ... be in daws and I'm trying to assemble an alternative I understand the current mixing system. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a stock index of 30 blue-chip industrial ... Today, the DJIA is a benchmark that tracks American stocks that are ... To calculate the DJIA, the current prices of the 30 stocks that make up the ... the longevity of the Dow serves this purpose better than all other indices.
Tso = 28.15°C
given data
t2 = 21 mm
ki = 0.026 W/m K
t1 = 9 mm
kp = 180 W/m K
length of the roof is L = 13 m
net solar radiation into the roof = 107 W/m²
temperature of the inner surface Ts,i = -4°C
air temperature is T[infinity] = 29°C
convective heat transfer coefficient h = 47 W/m² K
As when energy on the outer surface at roof of a refrigerated truck that is balance as
Q =
Q =
now we compare both equation 1 and 2 and put here value
solve it and we get
Tso = 28.153113
so Tso = 28.15°C