-273.16 °C
-459.677 °F
0 °K
0 °R
The lowest temperature is the absolute zero.
Absolute zero is at 0 degrees Kelvin, or 0 degrees Rankine, because these are absolute scales that have their zero precisely at the absolute zero.
Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees are relative scales, these have their zeroes above the absolute zero.
Celsius scale has the same degree separation as the Kelvin scale, but the zero is separated by 273.16 degrees. Therefore the lowest temperature in the Celsius scale is -273.16 °C.
The Fahrenheit degrees have the same degree separation as the Rankine degrees, and the zero is 459.67 degrees. Therefore the lowest temperature in the Fahrenheit scale is -459.67 °F.
my sister did this and its the answer
all I know is every number that have a bar on is equal to one
As many variables as we can coherently communicate in 2 dimensions
Visualization is a descriptive analytical technique that enables people to see trends and dependencies of data with the aid of graphical information tools. Some of the examples of visualization techniques are pie charts, graphs, bar charts, maps, scatter plots, correlation matrices etc.
When we utilize a visualization on paper/screen, that visualization is limited to exploring as many variables as we can coherently communicate in 2-dimensions (2D).
Electroosmotic velocity will be equal to
We have given applied voltage v = 100 volt
Length of capillary L = 5 mm = 0.005 m
Zeta potential of the capillary surface
Dielectric constant of glass is between 5 to 10 here we are taking dielectric constant as
Viscosity of glass is
Electroosmotic velocity is given as
So Electroosmotic velocity will be equal to