1. Pure substances cannot be separated into any other kinds of matter, while a mixture is a combination of two or more pure substances.
2. A pure substance has constant physical and chemical properties, while mixtures have varying physical and chemical properties (i.e., boiling point and melting point).
3. A pure substance is pure, while a mixture is impure.
ADSORPTION: The adhesion of a liquid or gas on the surface of a solid material, forming a thin film on the surface. Not to be confused with the process of absorption.
ABSORPTION: The act or process of absorbing or of being absorbed as
You are not using properly the function exponential in your calculator
When a number is too big or too small we use scientific notation. This is a number between 1 a 10 multiplied by a power of 10.
When you are writing 4.5*10^-9 you are actually writing 0.0000000045 in scientific notation.
When you enter this in the calculator you have to use the function EXP after the first two numbers.
Steps: 1) Enter 4.5
2) Enter EXP
3) Enter minus (-)
4) Enter 9