The water cycle regardless if it is in a lake, our bodies, food, or underground.
A magnetic pole is the point on a magnet where a magnet effect is strongest. Around a magnet, there are magnetic fields.
- The magnetic fields are force fields that leaves the north poles and enters through the south.
- The pole is where magnetic effects are the strongest.
- It is around the pole that the strongest magnetic effect on a magnet or magnetic material is felt.
- The strength of magnetic fields are strongest at the poles.
learn more:
a. Clay
b. Sandy Loam
c. Sandy Clay
d. Loamy Sand
Based on the soil texture triangle, the soil texture for the following combination of sand, silt and clay are;
a. Sand 20 percent; Silt 20 percent;Clay 60 percent: ____ CLAY
b. Sand 60percent; Silt 30percent; Clay 10percent: ___ SANDY LOAM
c. Sand 50percent; Silt 10percent;Clay 40 percent: ____ SANDY CLAY
d. Sand 80 percent; Silt 15 percent; Clay 5percent:_____ LOAMY SAND
class sum (
public static void sumofvalue (int m, int n, int p)
int SumValue=m+n+p;
Public class XYZ
public static void main(String [] args)
sum ob=new sum();
int X=3;
int X=4;
int X=5;
int X=7;
int X=8;
int X=10;
The above program is made in Java, in which first we have printed value in a separate line. After that, the average value of those three values has been printed according to the question.
The processing of the program is given below in detail
* The first one class named 'sum' has been created which contains the function to print individual value and the average of those three values.
* In seconds main class named 'XYZ', the object of that the above class had been created which call the method of the above class to perform functions.
* In the main class values are assigned to variables X, Y, Z.