Ionul de hidroniu este un factor important atunci când avem de-a face cu reacții chimice care apar în soluții apoase. Concentrația sa în raport cu hidroxidul este o măsură directă a pH-ului unei soluții. Se poate forma atunci când un acid este prezent în apă sau pur și simplu în apă pură. Formula chimică este H3O +
The hydronium ion is an important factor when dealing with chemical reactions that occur in aqueous solutions. Its concentration relative to hydroxide is a direct measure of the pH of a solution. It can be formed when an acid is present in water or simply in pure water. It's chemical formula is H3O+
marke me as brainliest please
The play will be more appealing to a younger audience.
A younger audience will more likely appreciate current pop hits rather than classical score.
From what i've learned so far, the correct answer is "Heat at a constant Pressure" or "Specific Heat"
Hope this helps!
The planet Earth itself is considered to be a closed system because there is a limit to the amount of matter that is exchanged. However, there are open systems that are ON Earth.